Creative Makerspace
Saturday, January 28, 12:00pm-2:00pm
Brothership Building, 141 North St., Pittsfield
Tired of working alone in your home studio? Longing to ditch social distancing and create with a crew? Join this twice monthly meeting of makers (on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month) to get your creativity flowing as you work on your own projects, share ideas, chat, and create alongside other makers in this casual and creative environment. Draw, sew, collage, paint, and more – open to all mediums! This group is a creative gathering, not a teacher-led instructional class. Please bring your own materials for whatever project you're working on (we'll have some basics on-hand for general use). Let’s connect with other makers and build a creative community!
Creative Makerspace is a program for adults only. It will not be held on any dates BAC is closed. Please see our list of observed holidays as well as information on weather cancelations HERE.