The Brothership Building Window curated by IS183 Art School of the Berkshires will feature Urgency & Potential by Lindsey Patrick for the month of October.
ARTIST BIO: Lindsey studied wildlife ecology and is fascinated by humankind’s intricate and strained relationship with the environment. She also studied photography and illustration and she would like to explore ways science and art can be utilized together in positive and impactful ways.
ARTIST STATEMENT: Our diminishing natural world has always held the most striking creations that all humans connect to and are inspired by. The more we study nature, the more we become aware of how limited our understanding of life is and how little we really comprehend. I don’t believe anyone can ever truly capture the beauty of our generous but dwindling mother, yet I look to celebrate all she has given us in my work. In doing so, great anxiety for the dire state of so much of our planet’s creatures and ecosystems seeps through. We are watching species after species go extinct and I look to provide commentary on how human encroachment impacts all life, and our need to adapt.
Immediate change is needed to protect future generations of all species as we are already experiencing the consequences of untethered human meddling. There is much that needs to change but also endless potential and inevitable power within nature and ourselves. I try to convey this as well as the fierce yet fragile beauty that is the diversity of existence. There is great urgency, but also great hope for positive change on our planet, and I look to delve deeper into this in future work. I hope, like the unity of the natural world, you find something, or some creature, to connect to in here.