The Original Photography System: Pinhole Cameras — June 4

The Original Photography System: Pinhole Cameras — June 4


Instructor: Thad Kubis
Day & Time: Friday, 1pm–4pm
Dates: June 4, 2021
Meetings: 2 sessions
Location: Session 1 at IS183 Art School, Session 2 via recorded video

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Join the retro photography trend and build your own pinhole camera.

This course is in 2 sessions:

Session 1: Meet in person outdoors in a socially distant setting at IS183 Art School to build your pinhole camera, create images, and expose some film. (Rain Date: Friday, June 11)

Session 2: Instead of a live Session 2, participants will receive a step-by step tutorial video course on how to develop and process the film you have exposed using household materials!

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Photography Hike Series: Bartholomew's Cobble (Sheffield, MA) — March 19

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