The Brothership Building Window curated by IS183 Art School of the Berkshires will feature The Grass Is Always Greener by Jackie Fischer for the month of July.
ARTIST BIO: Jackie Fischer is a Mixed Media Sculptor who grew up in the suburbs of Eastern Long Island where her struggles sparked inspiration. She received her BFA from Alfred University with a Minor in Psychology. Jackie has received multiple scholarships to various craft schools such as Anderson Ranch, Haystack, Watershed and has exhibited work Nationally.
ARTIST STATEMENT: Growing up in the suburbs of Long Island I’ve constantly been advised with various phrases and idioms. I transform these idioms into sculptures by playing with their figurative and/or literal meaning. From “Bite off More than you can Chew” to “Don’t Beet Around the Bush”, these sculptural installations are composed of ceramics, cast metal, fiber, and mixed materials.
My installation “The Grass Is Always Greener” invites the viewer into a cheerful and upbeat atmosphere. As you walk around, however, you start to notice dark truths. This colorful, sparkling, kinetic environment is like the euphoric atmosphere of festivals. Contemporary music festivals, for example, are intentionally built temporary spaces transforming a stretch of the countryside or woods. As in these experiences, the longer you are immersed in my installation the more you see the negative qualities that go hand in hand with certain subcultures. The values of these subcultures are embodied by idioms that resonate with specific situations in my life.