Abstract Painting: Color, Design, and Spirit — July 14

Abstract Painting: Color, Design, and Spirit — July 14


Instructor: Wednesday Nelena Sorokin
Day & Time: Wednesdays, 1–4pm
Dates: July 14 – August 18, 2021
Location: Citizens' Hall, Stockbridge
Materials List:
See class description.

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The desire to be inspired is the only prerequisite for this class.

You don’t ever have to fear a blank page or canvas again. In this class, you’ll learn a variety of techniques for initiating new work, learning not only how to begin the conversation, but also how to continue the dialogue. The class provides an opportunity for you to free yourself from your inner critic, learn to trust your intuition, and open yourself to inspiration. Great for the novice as well as the accomplished.


One of each:
pencils (some of these: 6B, 8B, 9B)
soft charcoal pencil
kneaded rubber eraser **
pink eraser
sketch paper pad (suggested size range: from 11x14 - 14x18)
canvas pad, gessoed paper, or stretched canvas (suggested size range: from 11x14 - 14x18)
oil or acrylic paints (suggested brands Gamblin or Windsor Newton, Old Holland, Williamsburg, Daniel Smith for oils, Golden or Liquitex for acrylics):
cadmium red or primary red
venetian red or red oxide
burnt umber
lemon yellow, Hansa yellow, or primary yellow
yellow ochre or naples yellow
cadmium yellow, Benzimidazolone Yellow Medium,
ultramarine blue
cyan or phthalo blue
Paynes gray
white (large tube)
alizarin crimson
pthalo blue-green

if using oil paint: Gamsol, Safflower oil, or baby oil

medium for oils: Gamblin solvent free,
1 small container for medium, 1 brush washer or jar for Gamsol or safflower oil
for acrylic: gloss and/or matte liquid medium,
1 small jar for medium, 2 large jars for brush cleaning water

If using acrylic paint: bring spray bottle for water

cloth rags for painting (old cotton sheets are perfect), disposable rags for cleanup (can be purchased in hardware stores)

palette, at least 12" x 16”, preferably neutral gray –
you can make one with a cookie sheet (or similar size board), masking tape, and freezer paper – wrap the paper around the cookie sheet so you have the full surface to use, tape the back.

brushes - your preferred or filberts - about ¼” + ½” + ¾” - and # 6 round)
tracing paper (9 x 12 or 11 x 14)

*If you have a strong preference for another paint medium, you are welcome to bring that instead using the same paint colors. For watercolor, bring watercolor paper, artists tape, a rigid support (or 2) and a hairdryer.

To Purchase Locally:
-JWS Art Supplies
-Miller’s Art Supplies
(Avoid Michael's; their costs for quality items are high and their less expensive items are inferior.)

To Purchase Online:
(numerous choices such as...)

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