Exquisite Corpse Collage Game (Online Class)

Exquisite Corpse Collage Game (Online Class)

from $5.00

Instructor: Lucie Castaldo
Day & Time: Saturday, 2:45–3:45pm
Dates: May 9, 2020

This class is part of our World Collage Day Celebration!

Pay What You Can:

This is just one of the online collage classes we’re offering throughout the day on Saturday, May 9 as part of our World Collage Day Celebration!

Gather a family member…or two (or more!) and create a collaborative surprise through collage! The Exquisite Corpse Game was a popular drawing game among Surrealist artists and it can be translated into a variety of mediums. We'll incorporate collage techniques as participants take turns collaging sections of a body on a sheet of paper, folded to hide each individual contribution. The result is fun for all ages! 


  • 8.5 x 11 (or larger) piece of paper

  • magazines

  • scissors

  • glue stick

Please consider supporting IS183 Art School by making an additional donation.


Online Classes at IS183

Though IS183 Art School has temporarily closed its doors due to the evolving COVID-19 situation, we are committed to our mission to provide hands-on art-making opportunities, keeping creativity alive during this challenging time. Our new Spring Into Online Art series offers digital opportunities to work with talented IS183 Faculty Artists, bringing the studio experience to you!


To make these classes as accessible as possible to everyone, we are offering each class with the option to select how much you want to pay. No matter which option you choose, you'll join the same class as everyone else. We trust that you will support IS183 with whatever you can afford, and encourage you to support the school with an additional donation during this challenging time, if possible.

How it Works

Register for a class (or series) on our website, and we will email you a Zoom meeting link along with instructions. Simply use the link to join the online class at the designated time! Download the Zoom app on your smartphone or tablet, or use your laptop/desktop web browser. The web browser client will download automatically when you join your first Zoom meeting. (Have a look at this Zoom overview.)

You will join a live, interactive lesson presented in real-time by an IS183 Faculty Artist. Small class sizes will allow you to engage personally with the instructor and other students, just like in the studio! Faculty lessons will primarily be demonstration-based, but may have segments in which students are challenged to work on independent assignments. Each class and faculty approach will be unique! 

Thank you for continuing to make art and support IS183 Art School! We look forward to seeing you in the (virtual) studios! 

Please see our policies on cancellations, refunds, and more.


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sample 4.jpg before and after golden box.jpg

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