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Macra-mazing! — April 22

Dyeing the Rainbow.png
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Dyeing the Rainbow — July 9 & 10

Bundle Dyeing.png 68178364-3FED-4BD3-B447-39B9B52DC601.jpeg
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Bundle Dyeing: Flower Prints on Silk — August 7

Eco-Printing on Silk: Bundle Dyeing with Foliage — Oct 1
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Eco-Printing on Silk: Bundle Dyeing with Foliage — Oct 1

Eco-Printing on Silk: Bundle Dyeing with Flowers — Nov 12 68178364-3FED-4BD3-B447-39B9B52DC601 (2).jpeg
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Eco-Printing on Silk: Bundle Dyeing with Flowers — Nov 12
